You can visit the pages of BudinGroup website, get information about our products and services and get benefit from our human resources and other detailed services without disclosing any personal information.
If you provide any of your personal information, such information will not be shared with any third person or entity without your prior knowledge or consent or unless being legally required. Such information will be protected under our highest safety and confidentiality standards.
The information provided in our website has been prepared in accordance with the applicable laws.
BudinGroup will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damages or expenses which may arise as a result of any error, disruption, delay in information flow, computer virus, line and/or system breakdown during the use of our website.
BudinGroup provides links and pointers to other websites managed by third parties. BudinGroup does not control the contents of such websites and BudinGroup does not provide any guarantee against any possible damages which may arise from the use of such sites.
The copyrights of any and all information and materials provided in our website and the copyrights of editing these information and material are owned by BudinGroup. Our company reserves any and all copyrights, registered trademarks, patents, intellectual and other property rights related to the information and materials included in our website. No person/entity can use any specific part of our website in another website or create a link of another website in our website without taking prior written consent of us.
We will not share your personally identifiable data with anyone else for their own marketing purposes unless we first provide clear notice to you and have your permission to do this.
We do not sell, lease, rent or otherwise disclose your personal data to third parties unless otherwise stated below.
We may share your personal data with other BudinGroup offices or subsidiaries which are all subject to this privacy policy or to other protective confidentiality and data transfer agreements.
Upon your consent
We may share your personal data if we have your consent to do so.
Authorized third parties
We may share your personal data with third parties working on behalf of BudinGroup in order to provide you with promotional or informational materials or services such as customer service. Such authorized third parties are only given access to the information which is necessary for them to provide you with the aforementioned services, and any other use of your personal information is strictly forbidden to them.
Service providers and subcontractors
We contract with companies which help us with parts of our business operations and we may share your personal data with them in order for them to provide services to us only for the purposes set forth in this privacy policy.
Defense of legitimate interest
We may share your personal data when such disclosure is necessary to prevent illegal and fraudulent uses of our services, to respond to third party claims, to defend ourselves against any complaint or security threat, to assist in fraud prevention or investigation or to execute a corporate audit.
Mandatory disclosure
We may be obligated by mandatory law to disclose your personal data to certain authorities or other third parties. We may also disclose and otherwise process your personal data in urgent circumstances, to protect the public, our website or personal safety
BudinGroup may from time to time change this policy. However, if this policy is changed materially regarding the way we use your personal data we will make that information available by posting a notice on this website.